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Vernostný program

  • Pridané: 26.09.2014   |   4720 čítaní / zobrazení

Vážení zákazníci, ceníme si, že nakupujete v našom eshope a preto Vám vyjadrujeme svoju vdaku formou lacnejšieho nakupovania. Pripravili sme pre Vás vernostný program, kde každý zákazník môže získať za svoj nákup vernostné body, ktoré si môže uplatniť pri dalšom nákupe a získať tak až 5% zľavu z celkovej hodnoty nákupu. Vernostný program sa nevsťahuje na veľkoodberateľov, ktorým poskytujeme dohodnuté zľavy na tovar.

Podmienkou získania vernostných bodov je:

  • registrácia v našom eshope. Registrácia je bezplatná a k ničomu Vás nezaväzuje. 
  • prevzatie a uhradenie objednaného tovaru

Počet získaných bodov:

Za svoju registráciu získate 10 vernostných bodov = zľava 50 centov na nákup
Za každé euro z Vašej objednávky získavate 1 bod, hodnota jedného bodu je 0,05 €.

1 € = 1 bod
1 bod = 0,05 €
50 bodov = 2,5 €
100 bodov = 5 €

Ako to funguje v praxi?


  1. p. Novák si objedná tovar v honote 40 €
  2. automaticky získa 10 bodov za registráciu a 40 bodov za nákup
  3. pri dalšom nákupe si môže uplatniť 50 bodov, čo predstavuje zľavu 2,50 €
  4. počet Vašich vernostných bodov sa zobrazí v okienku pre prihlásenie zákazníka


Možnosť zadania vernostných bodov sa zobrazí v košíku v prvom kroku             



  • El
    Pridané 08. január, 21:19 registrovaným užívateľom
    Dobrý deň. Chcem sa opýtať na vernostné body. V kolónke mi svieti 10 bodov za registráciu. Za prvú objednávku u Vás, ktorú som mala v hodnote 51.30 € mi nepripočítalo body. Za upravenie Vám vopred ďakujem. S pozdravom Elena Krajanová

  • Ms
    Milchema s.r.o.Reagovať
    Pridané 08. január, 21:58 z 195.168.126.***
    Dobrý deň, je to možné ak bola objednávka realizovaná pred registráciou. Vernostné body sa pripočítavajú až po registrácii.

  • El
    Pridané 08. január, 22:49 registrovaným užívateľom
    Registrácia bola 17.oktobra presnejšie 19:19 hod. Objednávka bola zrealizovaná v ten deň, ale o dve hodiny neskôr.

  • Ms
    Milchema s.r.o.Reagovať
    Pridané 09. január, 09:20 z 90.64.106.***
    Dobrý deň, pozrieme sa na to a body vám pripočítame.

  • El
    Pridané 09. január, 18:48 registrovaným užívateľom
    Dobrý deň, vopred Vám ďakujem. Prajem pekný deň.

  • 1 odpoveď

  • Ro
    Pridané 26. november, 11:59 z 193.169.252.***
    For sure, syridlo-predaj.sk isn't a perfect place to share my equestrian hobby, but I have to start somewhere, so I thought that this category will be ok. <p>Horse rugs are a confusing Matter for many riders. Some riders do not feel the necessity to use them and
    consider them an unnecessary accessory, while others cannot imagine functioning
    without them. What's the truth? In case you decide to use a rug, which one would be
    acceptable for your horse? </p><p>It's true that within their However,
    we must note that horses functioning in horse riding don't possess the exact same functioning conditions as the horses residing in their natural habitat. To start with, horses training under the saddle are often shaven, which damages
    their natural protective coating against low temperatures. Most time when it is cold outside, these horses invest indoors, where they are not subject to low
    temperatures. Even the matter of a different diet is essential. That is why
    we cannot expect them to possess the immunity their free brothers possess. While
    altering the horses' customs and surroundings, we will need to provide them with
    protection from the negative ramifications of e.g. weather. For this very reason we
    have various types of carpeting. Which type would be most useful to your horse and
    when to use it? We will try to explain that. </p> <p> <strong>In shops you can encounter these types of rugs:</strong> </p> <ol><li>Training -- this type of rug is put on together with a saddle. It will be perfect for colder days. We should mention that training together should not be too exhausting, as your horse might have trouble with losing heat surplus from the body. </li><li>Dry -- usually made from fleece or some other material with moisture-absorbing properties. This type of rugs is usually used after training so as to dry the horse. In shops, you can find them as fleece carpeting. </li><li>Stable -- recommended for shaved horses. They should protect the horse from cooling too far, but at precisely the same time they do not block air circulation, so the horse does not sweat. To be used in stalls. It will protect your horse against the wind and light rain. Made of substances easy to wash. </li><li>Rain -- it protects your horse's coat from getting wet during rain. Mostly they are designed to be as watertight as possible. Normally made from mesh material. This type of a rug is super helpful in summer time, in which horses are especially subject to insects' bites of all kinds. </li><li>Winter -- rugs with padding. Usually it's possible to pick from a couple thickness of padding for a single model. </li><li>Shipping -- to be used to safeguard the horse during transportation. </li></ol> <p>Another thing would be to adjust the
    Proper length. Namely, the way to choose appropriate size for your own horse. Particular manufacturers have different size markings. There is a principle where for units of length is the length
    of the rug on the horse's back. This value is crucial for deciding on the right
    size. Even if you have an S, M, or L size, it refers to the rug's span on the
    horse's back. E.g. a well-known producer of equestrian equipment Eskadron says
    S = 125 cm, M = 135 cm, L = 145 cm, etc.. Of course, it's best when you can
    have a look at a graph when all of the rug's measurements are mentioned. Then you
    can make sure a given size will suit your horse properly. </p> <p>As you can
    See, by using proper rug you are able to assist your horse in dealing with unpleasant
    Weather, insects, or protect him during transportation. Additionally, You shouldn't overdo
    The whole rug thing. If you use them when they are not needed, you can disturb But you need to remember
    That without a rug once the weather is poor, you undermine your horse e.g. to a
    Higher risk of getting cold.</p> https://kavalero.com/how-we-can-begin-to-ride-horses/

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